Public Sector Administration: Carrying out a Payroll and Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (2008-2011)
February 23, 2020
Public Sector Administration: Carrying out a Payroll and Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (2008-2011)
February 23, 2020

Enhancing Revenue through the creation of Land Cadaster System in Lebanon (2005)

As World Bank Task Team leader, CGA’s Giulio de Tommaso This assignment’s central objective was to support government efforts to enhance revenues and strengthen fiscal management by filling the gaps in key personnel, skills, equipment, and physical resources; assisting in improving systems, procedures, and data bases; and providing advice on future policy reforms. This was to be achieved by increasing the MOF’s operational efficiency and building its capacity to develop and use better policies and procedures, with particular reference to departments responsible for revenue collection and fiscal management. In addition to improving operational efficiency the project supported the immediate government efforts to enhance revenues and rationalize public expenditure by (i) Reforming of Customs Administration (ii) Rehabilitating and of all mapped parcels; (c) Improving Domestic Taxation and Public Expenditure Management. Consilium Group Advisors staff was in charge of designing an additional financing operation to complete land cadaster activities as well as drafting the Implementation Completion Report.

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