Public Sector Administration: Carrying out a Payroll and Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (2008-2011)
February 23, 2020
Public Sector Administration: Carrying out a Payroll and Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (2008-2011)
February 23, 2020

Empowering Civil Society Organizations to participate in the monitoring of government programs in Yemen (2000) and Liberia (2010)

In the context of its work as Task Team Leader for World Bank for Public Administration and Governance Reforms in both Yemen and Liberia, CGA’s Giulio de Tommaso assisted in the development of programs which aimed to improve the capacity of Civil Society to monitor and hold accountable Government institutions for the transparent and efficient provision of public services to the public. This included devising systems for reporting cases of abuse and the inclusion of civil society organizations in the early stages of design of World Bank projects which he managed.

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