Public Sector Administration: Carrying out a Payroll and Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (2008-2011)
February 23, 2020
Public Sector Administration: Carrying out a Payroll and Skills Audit in Zimbabwe (2008-2011)
February 23, 2020

Access to Financing for SMEs in Malaysia

Under the Malaysia SME Masterplan 2012-20, our Practice Leader has collaborated with SME Corp and the Securities Commission to create a Program aiming to enhance access to financing for SMEs, particularly those at start-up and early stage, through the provision of risk capital financing. The Program entails a co-funding initiative between the public and private sector, whereby one or more investment entities are established to raise funds from private investors which is matched by the funds from the Government through SME Corp Commitment. As sufficient capital is raised, the Fund channels the funds to viable SMEs in the form of loan, equity or a hybrid of loan and equity.

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